News from Politics

News from the Political Participation

On Wednesday, November 13th, the SPD Association Hanover Mitte and Calenberger Neustadt held an exciting meeting where two key issues were discussed. One of the main highlights was the unanimous nomination of Boris Pistorius, Defence Minister of Germany as the candidate for the upcoming federal election, representing constituency 42, Hanover City II. A ZDF television crew was present to document the meeting and conduct brief interviews with members and guests.
The meeting began with the introduction of two new members by Bala S. Ramani, the chairman of the SPD Association Hanover Mitte and Calenberger Neustadt and city councilor. He also gave a brief overview of recent political developments, encouraging members with a strong call to action: "A winter election campaign will be tough, but we are committed to fighting for a good and social policy. Let's get to work!"
Bala Ramani introduced Boris Pistorius, expressing his enthusiasm for Pistorius' candidacy: "It is a positive decision for Boris Pistorius to run here in Hanover. He has a strong interest in and understanding of our city." Ramani also highlighted Pistorius' focus on both external and internal security, emphasizing that, for Pistorius, social security is inseparable from internal security.
After the nomination, Ramani concluded: "We look forward to a strong campaign with two strong candidates for Hanover," referring to both Boris Pistorius and Adis Ahmetović, who was nominated for constituency 41, Hanover City I.
In addition to the ZDF coverage, the nomination was also reported by local newspapers HAZ and NP. Links to the ZDF livestream and the articles from HAZ and NP can be found at the end of this article.

News from the Political Participation

On July 8, 2024, a children's hospital in Kyiv was hit by a Russian missile. We remember the victims of this brutal attack. Our solidarity is with the people of Ukraine 🇺🇦

News from the Political Participation

Schützenausmarsch 2024. Strong and storm-proof. More Infromation here. 

News from the Political Participation

In the night from the 21st to the 22nd In February 1933, during the protection of an election event of the SPD in the Lister Turm, the heater Wilhelm Heese and the turner Willi Großkopf were so seriously injured by shots from the SA that they died on site. Karl Essmann later died of the injuries suffered

As part of a memorial event on the 22nd. February 2024 I have in my functions as

Councilor of the state capital Hannover and chairman of the Lister Turm Förderverein gave the following greeting

"First of all, I would also like to welcome you again on behalf of the Förderverein Lister Turm. Thank you for coming here today to remember the results of 22.02.1933 together.

Even in our time, there are many examples of people who have to pay for their values and democratic attitude with their health, their lives and their freedom. We think of the women in Iran and Afghanistan who courageously stand up for their rights to be able to lead a self-determined life. Or also the people in Ukraine, many of whom we have received in our country and who continue to hope to be able to return to their home country if there is peace. And we commemorate Alexei Navalny.

All this is worrying, makes us thoughtful and also scary. That is why it is important to encourage each other together and to develop ideas and visions on how we want to actively shape our life together in the future.

News from the Political Participation

The annual New Year's reception of the state capital Hanover took place on January 8th, 2024. Under the motto: “We live democracy,” many guests were invited to the town hall to take advantage of the annual opportunity to exchange ideas with people from politics and city society. As a councilor in the state capital, I also always look forward to the opportunity for a lively exchange of ideas with fellow politicians and our citizens. The report on this can be found here.

News from the Political Participation

Yesterday, December 1st, I took part in the specialist day against extreme right-wing ideologies in the state capital of Hanover. 


It was a very important and information-rich lecture about right-wing groups in Germany, especially with a view to Hanover and Lower Saxony. It is a very contemporary and critical specialist day with intensive discussions during the various workshops.

News from the Political Participation

In a world characterized by conflict, we realize that peace means much more than just the absence of war. Current events in Ukraine, Sudan, the Middle East and Afghanistan give us pause. Over 100 million people are on the run, many of them victims of violent clashes. 


On this Day of Remembrance on November 19, 2023, we think of the war victims and remember our German responsibility. Our history reminds us to stand up unconditionally for peace and freedom.

News from the Political Participation

Today, November 9th, the victims of the pogrom night of November 9th, 1938 were remembered with a silent remembrance at the “New Synagogue” memorial site. On the night of November 9th to 10th, 1938, the synagogue, the religious center of the Jews in Hanover at the time, was set on fire by SS men. Several members of our group also took part in today's memorial event and laid a wreath on behalf of the group. Especially in the current situation, in which anti-Semitism is increasing sharply and Jews feel increasingly unsafe, remembering these atrocities is even more important and a clear commitment against all anti-Semitism is essential.

News from the Political Participation

On September 23rd Our campaign “Like in Barcelona?” took place in the tanners’ quarter. We wanted to know from the residents what they thought of the idea of ​​implementing traffic-calmed superblocks based on Barcelona's model. For anyone who wants to know more, here is the application that the SPD and the Greens submitted jointly to the Mitte city district council and the administration's response to it. Photo source: Nancy Heusel

News from the Political Participation

In August I was, as a councilor for the SPD, together with Dietmar Althof (DA), restaurateur, former senior partner of Schlossküche Herrenhausen (now Grauwinkels) and long-time Mövenpick Restaurants Germany boss and, with me, a member of the Hannover Friends' Circle, interviewed about Hannover's strengths and the image of the city by "Stadtkind "Magazine.
You can find the article with the full interview here.

News from the Political Participation

Headstones from expired graves will be reused in Hanover as B-goods in the future. The stone commemorations of a deceased are intended primarily for citizens with a small budget. Red-Green introduced this idea to the environmental committee and met with broad approval: reselling gravestones as B-goods was unanimously approved. As environmental policy spokesman for the SPD, I would like to explain that we are pursuing three aspects with this motion. The sustainability, the social aspect and the strengthening of the local economy. Stonemasons should thus be given the opportunity to resell them, since gravestones and gravestones can in principle be used over a very long period of time, but are usually only needed for the period of use of a gravesite. The stones can be reused with relatively little effort if they are sufficiently strong, and reuse can avoid higher costs and thus support low-income households. According to the city's cemetery statute, the lifespan for a grave in the city's cemeteries is 20 years. More about this here in the article.

News from the Political Participation

Solidarity for opera boss Berman
Hanover's opera director Laura Berman was recently insulted in an anti-Semitic e-mail, after which she filed a criminal complaint, which will be heard in court on Thursday. Restaurateur Dietmar Althof read this in the newspaper and was horrified and organized a solidarity rally in the city on Sunday together with representatives from Café Mövenpick as well as the SPD and the Friends of Hannover am Kröpckeer. As an SPD councilor and member of the State Opera Foundation, I was present at the rally on the Kröpcke to show that "We stand by Laura Bermann!". Matthias Görn from the Friends of Hanover collected more than 250 signatures for the opera boss and against anti-Semitism and says: "Hanover shows attitude". So that the list of signatures can also have a political impact, Hanover's member of the Bundestag Adis Ahmetovic (SPD) wants to use the list to ensure that the federal government does not cut funds for the Federal Agency for Civic Education as previously planned. "In Germany we have a problem with right-wing attitudes and violence," he says. Here is the complete article from the HAZ.

News from the Political Participation

On May 8th, we in the Environment Committee of the City Council of Hanover came a good deal closer to our goal: climate neutrality by 2035. To this end, we decided in the environmental committee, among other things, that the city should be supplied with 100 percent renewable energy in the future and that new energetic building standards should take effect. Two important steps on the way to becoming a climate-neutral city. As spokesman for environmental policy, I am really pleased about that!

News from the Political Participation

Plans by the parishes of Kirchrode, Bemerode and Anderten are currently providing for cozy people who want to build a cooperatively organized residential area on around 62,000 square meters in the southern part of the Hahnenburg allotment gardeners' association with the "Gartenstadt Anecamp" based on the model of the eco-village on the Kronsberg.
As the environmental policy spokesman for the SPD, I believe that the allotment gardens are a meeting place, regardless of age and origin. They are also used for recreation. Everything that is done against it does not work. We stand behind the allotment garden association and the district association of allotment gardeners.” However, as a Council politician, I would like the conflict to be resolved amicably and for all participants to be brought to one table, because dialogue is essential. The environmental committee of the council is expected to deal with the allotment garden association and the planned building project of the parishes on April 17th. More information can be found here in the article.

News from the Political Participation

What should Hannover look like in four years? For two days I exchanged ideas with my comrades from the SPD council group in the HVHS Springe about our priorities and upcoming tasks in Hanover.
From social housing to climate protection and transport to public relations, we focus on the topics that are particularly important for Hanover and for our work. At the same time we worked on our cooperation as a group, discussed with each other and determined important priorities for our future work.

News from the Political Participation

Green-Red criticizes city leaders for delays in climate protection! Our criticism of the city leaders was the more than slow implementation of climate protection. As early as 2021, we, as the green-red council majority, called for the city administration to switch to energy-saving LED lights in street lamps, new energy standards for buildings, the expansion of regenerative energy systems and other points for climate protection. But as the Council's Environment Committee has now made clear, progress is slow in many areas. I am of the opinion: ""There was no interdisciplinary work within the city administration". Here is the whole article from the HAZ from January 18th, 2023.

News from the Political Participation

On November 7, 2021, I was happy to give a speech on the budget proposals in the state capital city council. "For us Social Democrats it was clear from the start: we have to defuse the explosives for social cohesion, which the energy crisis in particular holds and also make a contribution as the city of Hanover. That is why we welcome the fact that the administration is implementing the municipal support program we have demanded for clubs and associations. The significant increase in the enercity hardship fund is also an important and necessary step to cushion social hardship."
Here is the written speech and the video.

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News from the Political Participation

On September 14, 2022, I was allowed to take part in a discussion event with Olaf Lies (SPD), the Lower Saxony State Minister for the Environment, Energy, Building and Climate Protection, as spokesman for the "Sustainability Working Group" of the SPD in Hanover in the Misburg community center.
The topic was "The future of energy and climate", invited by the SPD local association Misburg-Anderten together with the sustainability working group of the SPD city association Hanover. In accordance with the so-called on-a-word format of the SPD, the participants wrote their questions on beer coasters. The minister's answers were moderated by Daniela Catalán.
Source/photo: SPD-OV Misburg-Anderten

News from the Political Participation

New since September 10th: A civic office in the heart of Hanover's old town!

Together with our MdB Adis Ahmetović, I officially opened the new civic office in downtown Hannover on Saturday, September 10th. In the future, it will offer even more information about political work and additional appointments for citizens' consultation hours in a central inner-city location.
This enables even more proximity to the citizens and the presence of politicians and the SPD in the heart of our beautiful old town. Have a look at Burgstraße 31!

News from the Political Participation

Yesterday, May 17th, together with many friends, I followed the call of the LSVD Niedersachsen-Bremen and Gaymeinsam für Hannover e.V..
On the occasion of the #IDAHOBIT (International Day against homophobia, biphobia, interphobia and transphobia) on Trammplatz in front of the new town hall in Hanover, we took a stand against queer hostility.
Especially now that the current data show that the number of anti-queer attacks is increasing, it is all the more important that we all show our solidarity every day and stand by the side of the queer community.

News from the Political Participation

Yesterday, May 8th, I was allowed to speak at Demo #StandWithUkraine Hanover:
" We all want this war to stop right now! Even then, however, the challenges and aftermath of the war are far from over.
War is never between two nations, but always against the order of world peace. The current war is not only directed against Ukraine, but against all of Europe. The effects can be felt worldwide. Energy policy and food shortages primarily affect the socially weak and economically disadvantaged sections of the population.
From day one, Hanover showed the world how quickly safe spaces can be created for people who fled to us from the war. Places where children can be children again for a moment and forget the sounds of bombs, rockets and explosions.
All this is only possible through the cooperation of the city administration, civil society organisations, politics and companies.
The most important thing is that we must not let up. In order for the many new citizens of Hanover to feel as at home as possible here with us, we need the support of every helping heart and every helping hand.
Hanover is a city of solidarity, diversity, internationality and tolerance."

News from the Political Participation

Despite the temporary overlay caused by the corona pandemic, the topic of climate protection has lost none of its topicality; on the contrary, it has become more explosive. This is made clear by the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change from August.
True to the motto "think globally - act locally", Hanover has been very active in combating climate change for many years. The first municipal climate protection program dates back to 1996. Unfortunately, not only has the need for effective climate protection measures increased over the years, but fortunately the awareness of this has also grown among the population. On February 24th, 2022 , I held a speech for the application for climate change in the council meeting of the city of Hanover.

News from the Political Participation

March 8th is International Women's Day. This date is also declared by the UN as "United Nations Day for Women's Rights and World Peace". In view of the ongoing war in Ukraine, the topicality can hardly be surpassed and therefore requires the commitment of all of us - locally, in Europe and worldwide.
On this occasion, I congratulated the women of the ASF Region Hannover and set a clear sign for "human rights = women*rights" and for world peace.

News from the Political Participation

Since November 4th I have been representing the district Mitte in the city council of the state capital Hanover and am mainly involved in my core area of environmental policy, as an environmental policy spokesman. I am also a member of the Culture Committee and the International Committee. 

News from the Political Participation

Since November 4th at 3:37 p.m. I have officially been a councilor in the city council of the state capital Hanover.
I'm looking forward to five years of work for and with the people in our beautiful city. For Hanover. For tomorrow.

News from the Political Participation

In yesterday's meeting of the SPD council group in Hanover on October 5, 2021, Dr. Maxi Carl, Florian Spiegelhauer and I were elected as assessors for the parliamentary group committee. Together with the chairman Lars Kelich and his deputies: Hülya Iri, Kerstin Politze and Dr. Jens Quantity we form the new board of the SPD parliamentary group in the council of the state capital Hanover.
I would like to extend my warmest congratulations once again to all of the people elected. I am very grateful for the trust you have placed in me. I will do my best to do justice to this duty. My focus is on the environment, international issues and culture, which is why I will be involved in precisely these committees.
I look forward to the challenges ahead and to making politics for and with the people in our city.

News from the Political Participation

The article from September 14, 2021 with the list of the members of the new city council of Hannover.

News from the Political Participation

I am honored to have received 1000 votes as a candidate for Hanover city council elections. It is with profound gratitude and humility I accept the endorsement of citizens and their trust in SPD and me. The response of people is incredible and it confirms their trust in our deep rooted democracy. It’s been a tough and exhausting campaign but it was the warm and staunch support of my team who made this happen. 

The real work begins now and the path ahead is long as well as the wish list is extensive. I am hopeful that together we can explore the potentials for the progress of our society. As I promised in the election campaign, we will lay foundation for the growth, tap the potentials and harness the energy to forge synergies. At this moment, I pledge to work harder, listen to the concerns of people and address the challenges of our society.   

My sincere thanks to the Lower Saxony Chief Minister and SPD State Chairman, Stephan Weil; the Lower Saxony Minister for the Interior and Sport, Boris Pistorius; the former President of the European Union and former SPD Chairman, Martin Schulz; the Members of Bundestag, Yasmin Fahimi and Matthias Miersch; the Lower Saxony State parliament members, Doris Schröder Kopf, Alptekin Kirci and SPD Parliamentary Group Chairman Lars Kelich; Mayor Thomas Hermann  and Ulrike Strauch as well as Adis Ahmetovic, Chairman, SPD Party,Hanover; the future President of the Hanover region, Steffen Krach and above all Ermana Nurkovic, Managing Director, SPD -Subsidiary Hannover.

I will soon meet you in person along with Florian Kusche. I will also engage  a constructive dialogue with firms and institutions in Hannover to discuss about the development we seek. I am saddened that Florian Kusche couldn’t make it to the Hannover District Council. But I am counting on his support in social integration and strengthening the LGBTIQA * community in Hannover. 

I thank you once again for the trust you have bestowed on me. Guided by the principles of democracy, I am starting the new journey today and I look forward to your support in pursuing our common goal.

News from the Political Participation

I am part of the delegation during the committment signing ceremony between German Zero (Hannover Chapter) and Adis Ahmetovic, Candidate for the German Parliament in 2021. I am one of the spokespersons and coordinators of the working group
-Sustainability- within the Socialist Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) Hannover. 

News from the Political Participation

"I want my country back": Trouble with a racist postcard
On July 7th, 2021 I received a racist postcard. It is not the first failure against people with a migrant background who show their face in local politics.

News from the Political Participation

As a Candidate for the City Council of Hanover, I always have a lot of fun meeting different Clubs and Institutions. Yesterday, on June 14th, 2021, I was able to visit Can Arkade e.V. together with Adis Ahmetovic. Many thanks to the entire team for the invitation. You are doing great things in the field of intercultural, social, educational and cultural work.

News from the Political Participation

Migrants and local elections: "We must be the change we wish to see"
-MiSO board meets Bala Ramani-

On June 9th, 2021, as a former "family member", I met four MiSO board members in the Faust goods receiving department.

News from the Political Participation

In autumn 2020 I participated in three exciting and eventful days in the simulation game "Next Step: Democracy" from Politik zum Anfassen e.V. . Together with other local politicians, I was able to bring young people closer to local politics.
During the simulation game, intensive discussions and many good proposals for politics in our city emerged. Implementation has even started on some of them. Have a look.

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